

This is more of a page to remind me what I'm supposed to be prioritizing right now

NOTE: (for future self) Do not! and I say DO FUCKING NOT do more than 3 projects at a time, you just can't handle it.

^ Wasn't a challenge.


Things I wish to build, these are open ideas that you can build as well, the only request I have is, do keep them open source.

Note: It doesn't matter if I've already picked them up, these are still open to develop on



codename: stirup


A simple tool to run a script on a dedicated ssh server ( not ansible, something a lot more concise. BASH can already do this but requires a lot of boilerplate code)

The script can proxy rsync internally to also provide things like copying files up and archiving them if needed.

codename: dynmnt

A simple wrapper on top of linux interface events to manage mounted devices and be able to run task based on mount or unmount.

The tasks don't have to be bash scripts but any command that the user wishes to add.

The use case for this was to allow raspberry pi to restart my docker compose setups when an external drive is connected so it can read and write to it but might scale to other use cases.

It's going to be easier to write this in C, Go, due to existing interfaces

codename: musync

musync already exists as a simple spotify playlist's sync and this can be better done with now since they have a ton of integrations though I still think I'm missing one very needed feature that I wanted to build into the app.

I use SongShift on iOS to synchronize my Spotify and Apple playlists, primarily because the speaker systems at home have better and clearer audio when playing tracks from the Apple Music app but then Spotify has better recommendations for Indie tracks.

You can either pick musync to add this integration or you can create a whole another CLI for the same.

Preferred languages would be: Nim / Rust / Go so I can read and help you fix tiny issues if possible but if you think there's a better language for the job, go bonkers with it.


codename: typeless-gql

This is still a concept and the chances of this being achievable might be limited by present tech but we want a simple solution

An attempt to avoid having to run the codegen manually for graphql and allow type completion by just being able to inject the graphql document into our abstraction.

example API

import { createSchemaGQL } from "typeless-gql";

const gql = createSchemaGQL("/path/to/schema.gql");

const TypedOperationNode = gql`
  query ping {

const response = someExecutionLibrary(TypedOperationNode);;
// should autocomplete at `data` and `pong`

codename : codegtabs

These are code group tabs that only a few markdown transformers support and most don't have a plugin for it.

These can be seen in website and in a few other websites that do multi language documentation.

^ the section which allows you to switch between cjs and esm

The plan is to make a library that would only parse the code group in the passed file and then convert that to html so that the next markdown parser doesn't do it.

Now this could be a plugin for each markdown parser that we wish to use but that's well too much work.

The unix philosophy makes it better and more reusable, so let's do that.

This can be written in C with bindings for other languages or in Nim with shared code and then bindings in other languages.

Either way, maybe research a bit more on it and if there's an easier way, go bonkers.


codename : mole

Probably will change the name to molecule but whatever, it's a codename.

The idea is to build not a full fledged language but a meta programming language somewhat similar to nimrod or better known as nim lang.

We don't wanna compete with Nimlang or Vlang. (me noob, please have mercy.)

The conceptual spec right now is to have the following

Why build something like this?

  1. To learn
  2. A very simple language that can be compiled into others gives me a good way to finally stop running around multiple languages. (nim does that but half the time I have to re-learn how pragmas and macros work.)
  3. This is for creating tiny little modules of logic and pure logic, so separation of concern for let's say, I want to just keep computations to one side and then UI to another, I should be able to do that. (eg: computation in this lang and then UI in SwiftUI,etc)
  4. It's my language!


codename : pui

A postgres gui tool, hopefully cross-platform

pui already exists as an electron prototype and was never taken up as a serious project since I was sure people would've built better native apps and I could find one.

Unlike SequelPro (MySQL) there's hardly any OSS and well polished app for postgres, there's partially free alternatives like

but they are either too heavy for normal work or irritate the crap out of you by adding limitation to most basic tasks we expect from an app today.

I'd like to build something like SequelPro, with a similar UI as well, that app is gold but for postgres and if possible use shared connector code so the UI can be built for other platforms later on.

codename : retempo

A beautiful and really well designed email client that focuses on async workflows. The original idea is based off of Tempo , the email client I currently use and probably the only Electron app I really like simply because of the beautiful UI/UX and minimalism of the client.

Plus, the client is barely ever open so it's all good.

You can write a similar one in native if you wish to, I wouldn't really complain.

Other things to consider


codename: voyage

Self Hosted alternative to Vercel / Netlify / etc

This is not a new idea, a larger version of this is Laravel Forge

Probably too big of a project to do alone but then, still doable.

Think of it as a traditional app management platform.

Here's the list of MVP

Good to have


I need an application/web UI that can handle getting my repos and building their dockerfiles and just run them on the same system that the above project is hosted on. You could technically build this with dokku and add a repo hook mechanism over it.

To generalise this to work with any git provider, I'd recommend setting it up with a Git Remote hook trigger which would listen for events from let's say Github / Gitlab/ Bitbucket etc and trigger a build.

This saves you the time to setup a full fledged Git Replicating Engine and since it's for devs, it's still going to be easy to work with.

Next up, we need to be able to build these docker images so you can use the Docker Go SDK to do this and also run the images if needed.

If no Dockerfile is found, just do nothing, if you find a compose.yml or docker-compose.yml then ask the user if the services from the compose also need to be started

Disclaimer This is not trying to replicate or Railway or any backend deployment services and trying to open source them. This is an extention of dokku that I've had in my head much before ledokku was created and since ledokku is very tied to github, I wanted one that could be similarly easy to self host and work with. The dokku dependency could be removed but you would then need to write the whole implementation with GoLang again and dokku does a great job of it already, you just need to build an interface around it (still hard, but it's still easier than building the entire builder engine again)

codename : feedbag

OSS feedback site, this is an experimental project I wish to build while learning more about web crypto libs.

The idea was to build a self-hosted / easily-injected feedback system for apps that would'nt involve getting the users to create a new account or an account at all it'd use the device key to create an identity (web cryptographic login) and allow anonymous feedback.

Due to it being anonymous a moderator side is required which in this case would be the app creator.

The feedback could be of various types,

They can also sponsor/pay to boost up a request up in priority (additional requirement by kdy1dev)

While everything else is deno is going great, the package searching on one of the most used platform is non-existent and can be easily solved with a simple caching strat of maintaing any requested module in cache to make a searchable index.

This is going to be very community dependent but it's not that hard if someone known in the community picks this up.

The database/cache would be some form of NOSQL db instead of SQL DB since the cache can be duplicated at points of conflicts and might need total overwrites which will become tedious to maintain in an SQL database.

I'd go with

If someone else is picking this up, you can use whatever stack works well for you


codename : hello

A very very very minimal text app, just texts and that's about it.

No unique selling point here, it's supposed to a single focused app to be able to just quickly text.


Platforms Preferably all platforms (iOS,Android,Mac, Windows, Linux) , no I'm not going to compete with telegram / signal.

Not a platform for everyone but well, I'd use it.

Architecture Since implementing the logic for every platform would be a bad idea, the concept is to implement the whole thing in a low level language like C / Nim (C) or use something like Go to create shared object code and use the platform specific UI's to use the provided methods from the shared object code.

Could do an embedded JSON RPC but that'd become complicated since you are talking inside the app and then iOS background workers rarely work well with network requests. Though, an internal one shouldn't really have much issues. (need to POC before moving forward)


codename: postgres-git-backup

A simple docker image that takes in postgres configuration and schedule a backup task for the provided configuration but instead of saving to s3 / local, have the ability to push to a git repo or a git lfs based repo (both should be supported)


Things that belong in multiple categories or none at all

codename: flatmod

Probably already exists, I couldn't find one so adding it here.

The idea is to be able to modify source code to get rid of circular deps by analysing the dependency of each file and each file's internal behavioural dependency.

This can be done manually but also something simple could be handled by a tool.

Note: I understand what webpack and bundle splitters do, this is more on the lines of generative codemod instead of a distributed artifact

If it sounds like something to be built, unless it exists, the idea is to take the source file, go through the deps, find a circular dep, split out the circular dep's function or exports into a new shared file, this is to be recursive to re-analyse the codemod with a max depth of 20 (customizable), if it crosses the max depth, stop the splitting.

Most of the splitting is to happen on temporary files but since it is all string, can be done with rope algorithms since the size of these files might vary from project to project

codename: bundle-drop

Heard of codepush?

Basically that but self hostable. I'm not talking about a replica of the entire App Center. Just the convenience of DX required for react-native apps to be able to get the bundle from a remote source and you being able to upload this bundle to a self hosted instance (S3/Blob/DO Spaces/etc).

Expo has a wrapper around this but is closely tied to expo and harder to implement without it. Another one was from walmart labs called livecode, which can be configured to point to self uploaded files but the DX could be improved and it only works in dev mode so there's no way to send in OTA Updates to production apps.
