

An incomplete list of tech that I've worked with professionally and few that I learned out of curiosity. Most of them link to relevant proof of work publicly.


→ JS - Projects
→ TS - Projects
→ GO - Projects
→ NimLang - Projects

Core Theory

→ Clean Arch / Hexagonal Arch / Onion Arch - Projects
→ Functional Programming
→ Greenfield and Brownfield Migration
→ Version Management
→ Internet Security and Basics
→ Horizontal / Vertical Scaling

Note: I might have completed the progit book a few times


→ Semantic HTML + HTML5
→ CSS3
→ TailwindCSS
→ (p)React - Projects
→ Angular (v8-v11)
→ Vue - Projects

Note: I don't have a preferred frontend library, I've worked with most of them that exist but I've spent a lot more time working with (p)react and Angular than the others.

Mobile Tech

→ React Native - Projects


→ Express - Projects
→ Fastify / HAPI
→ Go Lang + STD Library - Goblin commitlog-web

Note: Common procedures like Scaling, Clusters, Master-Slave Database / Read Replicas, Sharding,etc have been not added to the list since I can't put a number on them, each of these depend on the overall system and use case, and cannot be generalised; in my opinion


→ Postgres/MySQL - Primary Choice
→ Redis
→ ElasticSearch
→ MongoDB
→ SQL Server / MSSQL

Infra / DevOps

→ Jenkins
→ Ansible
→ Gitlab Runners / Github Actions / Earthly
→ Docker

Note: Haven't specifically specialized in AWS with a certification but have worked with it enough to know my way around.

Note: I've also worked with Railway, Digital Ocean and GCP but not as frequently, hence they haven't been mentioned in the list about