
This Weekend in BarelyHuman Dev Labs - April 10th and 11th

Project Updates


Mentioned that we had a static generator written specifically for and all I did was pull it out into a separate repository and is now under the name statico and while it can be used for basic markdown to html page generation while maintaining folder structure1 it's still a very simple generator and not as generic as it should be, it will be as the project progresses.


There was a little progress in the release command addition to the cli, not a lot and no it's not been pushed, the older release command is still there in the codebase and while functional it doesn't increment the tag as I expected it to be so the cases are still being handled.


I started writing a vscode theme long time back, just completed it this weekend and also added a light variant to it. It's only been tested on Go and JS so I'm not sure about the other languages while it shouldn't cause many issues in other languages/workflows , do raise an issue if you do see one. You can find the install instructions and screenshots on github

Life Updates

Wasn't able to post last week since there wasn't any progress, I've been sick the past week and wasn't able to pick up anything so there was nothing to post last weekend. Somehow I've caught covid while staying home all day, anyway I don't see any direct symptoms so I'm not that worried but we'll see how it goes.

In terms of business setup, Tillwhen codebase is to be cleaned and I need a good project management workflow to be setup so I don't treat TillWhen like a side project and just abandon it, which will definitely happen if I don't setup a good workflow forcing me to sit and work on it.

That's about it for now,


  1. You can go through the codebase to see what I mean by a simple structure ↩︎