
Updates April 2024

Haven't posted for a while now...

Site Updates

Moving forward, I won't have a twitter for a bit and all updates will be a part of this website. I don't plan on convoluting the Writing section with all the developer updates and instead will just have the same post index it always did.

On the other hand, for people who'd like to follow the development update or read a feed of thoughts that I get on a daily basis, they will now be available as Developer Logs, you can visit the page using /devlogs or by going to the Writing section and clicking on Dev Logs →

Sometime I forget that alvu was built to be amazingly useful for all my cases.

Development Updates

We've started making things dedicatedly for Preact, the first iteration came as a beta release for a Date and DateRange picker in the form of PreachJS/Datepicker.

PreachJS itself isn't a super big project right now since it's a solo mission, hopefully more people join in helping with building a ecosystem around Preact.

Other than that esbuild-multicontext now has a close to stable API and is being used to build a few more utilites around the various tiny libs that I write. This is one of the repositories where I have auto merging of dependabot updates and it seems to be going well for now. If the stratergy of automerging with core unit and integration tests just keeps doing well then I might add it to other libraries as well and it'd save both users(if any) and me the time spent during maintenance releases.

Last one is knex-types, it's a fair attempt at generating flexible types from existing schema and this acts as the building block for knex based data models. The goal is to have well defined data repositories generated for you using just a tiny layer atop knex. This should simplify development while keeping the fun of using a query builder alive.

I haven't been very productive the past months so the list is pretty short but hopefully there's more value provided in the next few months.

Posts like these would become a daily feed on this site, so it should be easier for me to make logs of the idiotic shit that I do.