
Working with Twilio Coversations

Complaining about docs has been a global rant for now but then not everyone has the time and man power to write documentation, I don't know why Twilio skipped on this but the only way to figure out working with Conversations is the incomplete documentation about the basic flow of the events from their documentation and the somewhat documented types on their typescript generated typedoc reference.

Now, I actually got done with the usecase pretty well since I've worked with it before and knew the mistakes I made before so it was easy this time and hardly took a day or so to get the additional features with integrations to be done, but I got feedback on a discord channel regarding a helper library I built for twilio conversations and the feedback was

While I understand what your library is trying to do, I don't think it's easy to look for documentation on the original twilio reference since most of the time you don't really know what is to be used for what.

There's more to the feedback but this made sense, since the first time I worked with programmable chat and conversations, I had to take reference from the then available example repositories using these services. Which is generally a secondary approach to learning something. The primary approach for most people is referencing the documentation or stack overflow.

Anyway, since this comment then got a few more supporting comments regarding similar issues, we are going to try to have a base flow of what to look for when working with a simple chat app and then a few additions in case you work with a more complex one.

Note: There's actual code sample after the theory is done for reference, if just reading doesn't help you


clearing this will help us with the remaining of the explanation

These are the 3 basic resources you need to work with for a very simple chat app, and each of these can be manipulated more to create something more complex once you understand the limitation of each.

Twilio Client and Initialization

The basic functionality will require you to get a twilio client library and then listening to various events on that client. There's a good amount of debate on when you should be initializing the client, we'll get to the simplest options in a bit but let's get to the flow of working with the client.

  1. You request a server for the auth token with the needed twilio grants
  2. You use this token to initialize the client
  3. You add listeners to handle the conversation events.

That's the flow for init of client, you will generally initialize the client at the soonest possible time in your app based on a few variables involved.

Conversations and Listing them

While, a lot of backend developers would just create the token and hand it over to you for you to add listeners for everything that twilio provides, it's generally easier for the backend to do the conversation listing for the app initialization stage.

This helps with a few things, in most cases the conversations are going to be 1 on 1 and you'd need more than just the conversation name, your app might need the user's full details, the profile pics, etc etc , which "surprisingly" the backend has faster access too. So here's the things I'd recommend that you get from the backend for the initial chat list.

This helps the client/frontend to make one initial call to get the list of conversations to show and it's faster to render than doing something like

  1. Wait for twilio client to connect
  2. get conversation list
  3. check the identity for each conversation.
  4. retrieve user details from the identity of each conversation.
  5. fetch avatar url using the user details

This doesn't mean the frontend won't add listeners. Once you are connected to the client, you are better off handling the events listed below on the frontend.

And there's a ton more of these events for message and conversation, there's also typing events if you wish to add that to the conversation list as well, you'll have to modify how your chat works for this which is next.

Conversations and sending messages

This is also something that would initially load data from the backend while the listeners get added. The initial data would involve you sending the backend your participant id and getting the last 4-5 messages and listing them, unless you plan to something like slack and keep the past N messages of each channel in a cache in the indexedDB (for web) or some sqlite in the mobile apps, which is also fine if you ask me , though let's say we don't want to do that for now, we can have the backend send through the last few messages, avatar data (if you aren't caching that), etc.

and then we have the listeners that we would like to listen to.

Done with the boring parts, based on the above you update your state with the needed data to show the message. As for handling typing and read, unread message You have to update the last read message time in the conversation which is on the conversation object with the method setAllMessagesRead or updateLastReadMessageIndex , unless you trigger one of these messages the getUnreadMessagesCount method on the conversation will always return null.

Now for handling typing indicators, that's very simple and actually documented so I could redirect, but since I've already written so much. You use the method typing on the conversation instance, which will trigger an event lasting a duration of 3-4 seconds , unless another typing event is triggered, so you can add this to your input's keypress event and as long the person is actually typing, this event keeps firing thus letting you to show that the person is actually typing.

Finally sending the message is as simple as calling the sendMessage method on the conversation instance with the text message or a media message. Do use the attributes optional parameter for the sendMessage function to add unqiue trackable values if needed.

all the reading aside, let's see it in example. I'll be using my helper library to reduce my work here

// app-init.js

import {
} from '@barelyhuman/twilio-conversations'

let client

export async function initializeTwilio() {
  if (client) return client

  const token = await fetchTwilioToken()
  client = createClient(token)

  onInit(() => {
    console.log('Twilio client , connected')

  onTokenAboutToExpire(ttl => {
    // not using the ttl, but it's there if you need it
    fetchTwilioToken().then(token => client.updateToken(_nextToken))
// chat-list.js
import { onInit, onMessageAdded } from '@barelyhuman/twilio-conversations'
import { initializeTwilio } from '../app-init.js'

async function ChatList() {
  const conversationList = fetchConversations()

  // render the list on screen
  render(conversationList, {
    onClick: conversation =>
      navigateTo('Chat', { conversation: conversation.sid }),

  const client = await initializeTwilio()
  // if the client isn't connected wait for it to happen
  if (client.connectionState !== 'connected') {
    onInit(() => {

  // add the needed listeners
  onMessageAdded(message => {
    const conversationSId = message.conversation.sid
    const _convToUpdate = conversationList.find(x => x.sid === conversationSId)
    _convToUpdate.lastMessage = message

    // update state with the new element for the specific item in the list
    updateRenderForKey(_convToUpdate.sid, _convToUpdate)
// Chat.js

import { findConversations } from '@barelyhuman/twilio-conversations'
import { initializeTwilio } from '../app-init.js'

async function Chat(conversation) {
  const existingChatMessages = fetchMessages(conversation)

  render(existingChatMessages, {
    onSend: text => {},

  const client = await initializeTwilio()
  // if the client isn't connected wait for it to happen
  if (client.connectionState !== 'connected') {
    onInit(() => {

  const conversationResource = findConversations(conversation)

  // this is different based as it's from the helper library
  const {
    onMessageAdded: onMessageAddedToConv,
    onTypingStarted: onTypingStartedInConv,
    onTypingEnded: onTypingEndedInConv,
  } = conversationResource

  // update render since we have the resource now
  render(existingChatMessages, {
    onTextChange: text => {
    onSend: text => {
      const _formattedMessage = {
        id: message.sid,
        text: message.body,
        status: 'pending',
        user: {
          id: myUserId,

  // add the needed listeners
  const { unsubscribe: unsubMessageAdd } = onMessageAddedToConv(message => {
    const _formattedMessage = {
      id: message.sid,
      text: message.body,
      status: 'sent',
      user: {

    // update state with the new element for the specific item in the list , as it's status is now changed
    updateRenderForKey(, _formattedMessage)

  const { unsubscribe: unsubTypingStart } = onTypingStartedInConv(
    participant => {
      isTyping = true

  const { unsubscribe: unsubTypingEnd } = onTypingEndedInConv(participant => {
    isTyping = false

  // clear the listeners before your componenet unmounts to avoid overloading the event listeners
  onComponentDestroy(() => {

Everything you see here is doable with the most frameworks and the actual twilio library, the helper only created a global context to be able to use it the client even when it's not importable and to be able to chain the client functions as needed. I repeat you can do everything I've done above with the twilio library. No, the above code won't work anywhere since it's pseudocode and there's doesn't exist a framework that has the above mentioned render functions the way I used them, these are just examples to be read as examples.